I think we all heard about the famous Normcore fashion, and if somebody didn't it is probably becauuse they live on the North Pol. Normcore is a style that is pretty popular and bloggers all over the world like to play with this kind of style.Not to many colors or prints,nice,warm,baggy clothing is something we all enjoy.And this winter it's the right time to show of how fab you can look in this normcore peaces.I've chosen some  of my favorite peaces that will fit anyone and look great on everyone. Rule the world in your unique normcore style!

Mislim da smo svi čuli za stil po imenunu normcore,i ako neko nije čuo to je verovatno zato što živi na Severnom polu.Normcore je stil koji je poprilično popularan i blogerke širom sveta vole da se igraju sa ovakvim stilom.Ne previše boja ili printova,fina,vrećasta odeća je nešto u čemu svi uživamo.I ove zime je pravo vreme da pokažete koliko fab možete da zgledate u normcore komadima.Izabrela sam neke od mojih omiljenih komada koji će pistajati bilokome i izgledati odlično na svakome.Osvojite svet u svome jedinstvenom normcore stilu!

Normcore winter


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