Now trending-Silver foxiness

I've noticed that girls all over the world gone crazy about gray hair. I was absolutely stunned by the results I found when I typed in grey hair. So many gorgeous hair styles and ideas on how to dye your hair grey. I think this is a perfect thing for those who like to experiment on their hair, and if anyone is looking for a crazy color to dye they're hair in I recommend this silver foxy color. I've inserted some pics for you to check it out.

Primetila sam da su devojke širom sveta skroz zaljubljene u novi trend sive kose. Bila sam apsolutno zatečena rezultatima kada sam na tumblr ukucala gray hair. Toliko divnih frizura, boja i ideja kako ofarbati kosu u sivo. Smatram da je ovo savršen izbor za one koji vole da eksperimentišu sa svojim frizurama, i ako iko treži neku novu ludu boju da se ofarba iskreno preporučujem ovu. Ubacila sam vam i neke slike čisto da vidite kako to izgeda.


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