Empties #1
Hey dolls, here I am with a new post. Today I'll be talking about some of the products that I recently used and that now are completely empty. So here they are:
Cao svima, evo mene sa novim postom. Danas ću pisati o nekim proizvodima koje sam do skoro koristila i koje sam potpuno istrošila. Pa da počnemo:
1. GIVENCHY Prisme Miroir Semi-Libre Loose face powder
As you can see this powder is not really empty but the skin color powder is. The blue powder is for red areas, and you also have blush and this white powder fo mattifying oily face. I really liked the nude, skin color, powder, and it really looked good on skin too. It lasts all day and it creates some light effect on your face.
Kao što vidite ovaj puder još nije iskorišćen do kraja. Plavi deo je za crvenila na koži, crveni služi kao rumenilo a beli za mat efekat na licu. Ovaj deo koji je potrošen bio je klasičan kameni puder za lice koji je bio jako dobar i stvarno mi se dopao jer je imao laganu teksturu i dugo je trajao na koži.

Cao svima, evo mene sa novim postom. Danas ću pisati o nekim proizvodima koje sam do skoro koristila i koje sam potpuno istrošila. Pa da počnemo:
1. GIVENCHY Prisme Miroir Semi-Libre Loose face powder
As you can see this powder is not really empty but the skin color powder is. The blue powder is for red areas, and you also have blush and this white powder fo mattifying oily face. I really liked the nude, skin color, powder, and it really looked good on skin too. It lasts all day and it creates some light effect on your face.
Kao što vidite ovaj puder još nije iskorišćen do kraja. Plavi deo je za crvenila na koži, crveni služi kao rumenilo a beli za mat efekat na licu. Ovaj deo koji je potrošen bio je klasičan kameni puder za lice koji je bio jako dobar i stvarno mi se dopao jer je imao laganu teksturu i dugo je trajao na koži.
2. Garnier skin natural BB cream Pure Active
One of my favorite BB creams honestly. I really like the texture and it also has this Anti-Imperfection formula inside of it, so it covers the imperfections but also treats them at the same time.
Jedna od mojih omiljenih BB krema. Sjajna tekstura a pritom ima i formulu protiv nesavršenosti lica. Tako da vam ova krema bukvalno prikrije bubuljice a istovremeno ih i tretira.
4.Baby lips lip balm- HYDRATE
I am a total lip balm addict, and I have spent about 5-6 lip balms, just this month. And from all of those lip balms this one is my absolute fave. Definitely something u should try out.
Ja sam totalni zavisnik balzama za usne. Samo ovog meseca potrošila samo oko 5-6 balzama, a mogu vam reći da mi se od svih njih ovaj najviše dopao. Definitivno nešto što morate probati.
5. Essence Cover stick 06 Matt Ivory
Not much I can say about this product... It has a mid covering effect, but it is really practical do use.
Nemam mnogo da kažem o ovom proizvodu... Pokriva osrednje ali je zato dosta praktičan za upotrebu. Takođe dosta dobro ume da isuši bubuljice.
6. AVON conditioning eye makeup remover lotion
I really liked this product. It is really creamy and it easily removes all of your makeup.
7. Oriflame HairX restore therapy Split ends serum for damaged hair
Amazing product. I recommend it to everyone who has damaged or dry hair problems. Since I iron my hair a lot split ends are unavoidable. But this product really covers the split ends and fixes them. I also makes your hair more silky and shiny without greasing it.
Sjajan proizvod. Preporučujem ga svima koji imaju problem sa oštećenom i suvom kosom. S' obzirom da ja dosta preglam svoju kosu ispucali krajevi su kod mene neizbežni. Medjutim ovaj proizvod sjajno tretira ispucale krajeve a pritom ih i prikriva. Takođe vam posle njega kosa bude mekša i svilenkastija a opet je ne umasti.
8. Eveline cosmetics SOS brittle and broken nails
For anyone who has problem with brittle nails. After few weeks I have noticed the improvement. And I can't wait to buy another one.
This is how usually looks photo shooting for blog. I mean I could never do this without my little helper.

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