'Blogger Of The Month' Coco Chic
Recently, somebody asked me 'Who is your favorite blogger?' Honestly, I do not have one. I have hundreds of favorite bloggers, maybe even a thousand ok? And I adore every single one of them, and just can't choose one who I can do a feature about. But, what I can do is a 'Blogger of the month' post which I will be doing every month (logic duh..). So since it is the end of the month, I thought today is the perfect day for my blogger of the month.
So my favorite blogger this month was Coco Chic. Not only does she has a great sense of fashion, she also has your back in life with many tips and tricks. If you are a blogger, her blog is the best place to educate yourself and get your blogging game on. But even if you are not a blogger, her blog could just be a big inspiration for you, and either way you should check out her blog. I love this blog because I can so so so relate to it. On her blog you can learn so many things about bloggers, in general, which people do not now usually.
So if you want, check out her blog and make sure you comment down bellow your thoughts.
Who is your blogger of the month?
Share, comment, and of course follow 'cause the new post is coming up tomorrow, so make sure you check it out! Kisses!
Nedavno mi je neko postavio pitanje: ''Ko ti je omiljena blogerka?''. Iskreno, nemam je. Prosto ima toliko sjajnih blogova koje mnogo volim i ne postoji način da sa odlučim samo za jednu. I jasno je da iz tog razloga nikad ne bih mogla da uradim editorijal o svojoj omiljenoj blogerki. Ali ono što bih mogla da uradim i što ću uraditi danas je post o mojoj omiljenoj blogerki ovog meseca. S' obzirom da je kraj Avgusta, danas je pravo vreme za ovaj post!
Moja omiljena blogerka ovog meseca je svakako bila Coco Chic. Ne samo da se sjano oblači ima fantastičan ukus, ona je neko ko će vam stvarno držati leđa u životu sa njenim sjajnim savetima. Ako ste blogger, njen blog je dfinitivno najbolje mesto da se edukujete i naučite kako da budete uspešni u blogovanju. Ali čak i da niste bloger, trebali bi ste da posećujete njen blog kako bi vas inspirisao. U svakom slučaju prihvatite moj savet i pogledajte ga. Meni se lično jako dopada njen blog jer mogu da se poistovetim sa njim. Ona dosta govori o blogerkama generalno i o stvarima koji ljudi uglavnom ne znaju.
Ukoliko pogledate njen blog, obavezno komentarišite ispod vaše mišljenje.
Ko je vaš/a bloger/ka ovog meseca?
Podelite, komentarišite, i naravnno zapratite me jer novi post stiže već sutra, tako da obavezno ga pogledajte! Kisses
She is amazing!