My fave Instagramers #1
First thing I do when I wake up? Grab my phone and go to Instagram. And trust me, watching those perfect, color coordinated instagram feeds from my fave Instagram gals really makes me get out of bad and actually do something with my life. Most of my inspiration for blogging comes from Instagram.
And since I like sharing everything with you guys, today I'll be sharing my favorite Instagram girls.
p.s.most of these girls have blogs to so you can go check those out too!
Prva stvar koju uradim kada se probudim? Uzmem telefon i odem na Instagram.I verujte da mi savršeni instagram feed-ovi mojih omiljenih Instagramerki pomažu da ustanem iz kreveta i uradim nešto sa svojim životom. Većina inspiracije za blogovanja mi dolazi sa Instagrama. A pošto znate da sve volim da podelim sa vama, danas vam predstavljam moje omiljene Instagram profile.
p.s. većina ovih devojaka takođe ima i blogove pa možete da vidite i to!
1) @inthefrow
Lilac lady whose pictures are always perfectly brighten.
2) @differentisthebest
Different really is the best. This girls makeup collection is an every girls dream.
3) @johannaeolsson
This gal always keeps her shoes and contours on point!
This beauty blogger always knows how to perfectly color coordinates her products for gorg shot!
5) @manigazer
Manigazer loves taking 'Grey' details and I like those pics more than I like Christian Grey lol.

So that's about it! If you liked this post please comment bellow and follow me 'casue the second part is coming really soon! Kisses!!!
To je to! Ako vam se svideo ovaj post obavezno komentarišite i zapratite me jer će drugi deo ovog posta izaći uskoro! Kisses!!!
Svrstati mene u grupu sa ovako lepim instagram nalozima je zaista privilegija :))
ReplyDeleteČast mi je stvarno, ovo je divno videti i ulepšala si mi popodne :))
Hvala od srca, draga Angelina <3 :***
Drago mi je da je tako:)
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