Rockin' Two Bags

 So before I start, let me just explain this ridicules trend with two bags that I am actually loving. For today I needed a big bag to put all of the stuff that i needed. But guess what, the stuff couldn't fit in my Laura B clutch, so it was obvious that I needed a bigger bag even tho I wanted to wear my blue clutch so bad. Now it is not my first time, and if you guys are anything like me than you can relate, that I couldn't choose between two clothing peaces.  Luckily this time struggle was about the bags and I was like: 'Hey, why I don't wear both bags?' I am not gonna lie, I have heard about this trend few days ago, but it certainly was not the reason two actually try this trend out. The rest of my outfit is not that special. I am wearing my vintage Levi's shorts and my shirt from Pull&Bear.   Plus the 'Ariana Grande' updo is my fave hairstyle these days. Btw pics were takin' in Petrovac which is a city near Budva. And yes I am still here...and I will stay here until the end of next week. So you can expect more posts from September since I am planing on some new projects.

How do you like this outfit?
What do you think about this trend?
Will you be brave enough to try it?
 Love you guys, and thanks so much for being so patient about new posts. Promise I'll pay you back! Kisses!!


Pre nego što počnem želim da objasnim ovaj suludi trend sa dve torbe koji mi se zapravo jako svideo. Danas mi je trebala jedna veća torba da stavim sve stvari koje su mi trebale, medjutim htela sam da nosim ovu manju, Laura B, torbicu. Logično da mi u nju jedva mogustati tri stvari i da mi je trebala veća ali ja nisam htela da nosim veću. Naravno da mi nije prvi put da se dvoumim  izmedju dva komada odeće,obuće ili već bilo čega, i ako ste išta nalik meni razumeće te me. Na svu sreću bile su u pitanju torbe pa sam mogla da napravim kompromis i uzmem obe torbe. Neću da vas lažem, za ovaj trend sam čula pre neki dan na nekom sajtu, ali to mi nije bio nikakav razlog da ga isprobam. Ostatak outfita nije ništa specijalno. Običan letnji outfit, Levi's šorc i majica iz Pull&Bear-a. Takodje moram da napomenem da mi je ovaj 'Ariana Grande style' rep omiljen ovih dana i obožavam da ga nosim. inače, slike su uslikane u Petrovcu. I da još uvek sam ovde u Crnoj Gori i biću u Beogradu sledeće nedelje. Tako da možete očekivati redovne postove od septembra, i nove zanimiljive projekte.

Kako vam se dopada ovaj outfit?
Šta mislite o ovom trendu?
Da li bi ste ga isprobali?

Volim vas, i hvala vam puno što ste strpljivi što se tiče novih postova. Obećavam da ću vam nadoknaditi!

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