September Love List
Hi dolls! Septembers over, whaaaaaat? I know, I know, it's like it was never there! But somehow I always like to look back at the previous month and recap all the beautiful moments that happened that month (usually nothing happens 'cause I spend my days lying and watching tv shows). But, this time (you guess it) I am sharing my favorite things of this month. I am not gonna lie, I stole this idea from Victoria, from In The Frow. I absolutely love her blog so you should def check it out, and ofc her youtube channel, but the rest of her links you will find on her blog. Trying not to make this intro super long, I am starting tight away!
Ćao svima. I septembar se završio, whaaaaaaat? Znam, znam, kao da uopšte i nije bio tu. Ali nekako uvek na kraju meseca volim da se osvrnem na to šta sam radila (uglavnom nemam baš na šta da se osvrnem jer mi dani prolaze u gledaju omiljenih serija). Ali oboga puta, pogadjajte, odlučila sam da sa vam podelim neke stvari koje su mi bile favoriti ovog meseca. Ovu ideju sam, da budemo realni, ukrala sam ovu ideju od Victorie sa bloga In the frow. Njen blog mi je jedan od omiljenih, tako da bi ste definitivno trebali d ga pogledate, naravno i njen yt kanal, ali ostatak linkova će te pronaći na njenom blogu. I pošto se treudim da vas ne smorim u ovom izuzetno dugačkom introu, odmah prelazim na Love Listu!
1. Favourite thing to watch
I love watching tv shows, and I easily get obsessed with some show. But this month I was on some kind of a rehab, and I was trying not to watch too many of them. So most of the time I was watching Saturday Night Live. I love that show, and it always makes me laugh. Let me know if you watch it too!
Obožavam da gledam serije, i vrlo se lako navučem na iste. Ali ovog meseca sam bila na odvikavanju i trudila sam se da ih ne gledam toliko. Tako da sam većinu vremena provela gledajući Saturday Night Live. Obožavam ovu emisiju, i uvek se ismejem. Obavezno napišite u komentarima ako i vi gledate.
2.Favourite thing i snapped
I was thinking really hard on this one, and at the end I went for this pic I took few weeks ago in Sephora, cause yeah, I am obsessed with it. (if you are not following me on Instah, follow me, like right now, srsly drop what you're doing and follow me @angelinaraznatovic)
Dosta sam razmišljala o tome koju sliku da stavim, i na kraju sam izabrala ovu iz Seohore. Opsednuta sam sephorom i da uvek fotografišem kad odem tamo. (ps. obavezno me folovujte na instagramu srsly drop what you're doing and follow me @angelinaraznatovic)
3.Person I loved
I think Victoria srsly deserves to be my Favorite person of the month, 'cause she really inspired me a lot this month, and not only for this posts. I mean girl is such an inspo, I have learned so many things from her in this previous month! You need to check her out here!
Mislim da Victoria stvarno zaslužuje da bude moja omiljena osoba ovog meseca, jer me stvarno toliko inspiriše, i ne mislim samo na ovaj post. Devojka je sjajna i mnogo sam naučila od nje ovog meseca. Obavezno je pogledajte ovde!
4.Favorite thing I purchased
I am literally obsessed with this fur vest from Pull&Bear I got last week. You saw it in my previous postFaux Fur. It is so cute, and it is perfect for fall season.
Bukvalno sam opsednuta ovim krznenim prslukom iz Pull&Bear-a koji sam zela prošle nedelje. Videli ste ga u prethodnom postu Faux Fur. Mnogo je lep, i savršen je za jesenju sezonu.
5.Favorite product I used
I've been using a lot of products this month, but my Favourite was Freemans face mask. This thing is so amazing. It really cleanses out your pores and leaves your skin literally perfect! Love it!
Koristila sam dosta proizvoda ovog meseca, ali mi je najomiljenija maska bila Freemanova. Inače su im maske sjajne, ali ova mi se najviše dopada jer stvarno dubinski iščisti pore i ostavi vam kožu bukvalno savrešenom. Obožavam je!
6.Favourite drink
I skipped favourite food if that's what you're wonderin'. Aldo, I totally did have my fave drink of the month, and it's Nescafe caffe latte drinks. The truth is I hate coffee! And I only like coffees that don't really taste like coffee. Confusing, right? And these are so so so tasty when you mix them with milk, cause they are flavoured. My faves are vanilla and choco. U guys have to try them!
Preskočila sam omiljenu hranu, jer je nisam ni imala. Ali imala sam omiljeno piće, a to je bilo Nescafe caffe latte. Istina je da ja mrzim kafu. I pijem samo kafe koje nemaju ukus kafe. Štagod... Ali ove kafe su jako jako ukusne kada ih pomešate sa mlekom a pritom već imaju neku aromu. Moja dva omiljena ukusa su čokolada i vanila. Morate da ih probate!
7.Favourite thing I did this month
I didn't do anything special this month. I went out with my friend for a Girls Night Out last week, and we went to the movies and had so much fun. So if I had to choose, that would be my favourite thing I did in September.
Nisam ništa specijalno radila ovog meseca. Ali ako bih trebala da biram omiljenu stvar koju sam radila ovog meseca, svakako bi bilo Movie Night sa mojim drugaricama. Išle smo da gledamo film 'Pored Mene'. Ako se pitate film je odličan obavezno ga pogledajte!
8.Favourite song
My favourite song this month was def Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift. It's my fave song from Taylor, and the video is just, uh! Amazing! Here is the link to the video
Moja omiljena pesma ovog meseca je svakako bila Wildest Dreams od Taylor Swift. Ovo mi je definitivno njena omiljena pesma do sada, a i spod je predivan. Obavezno pogledajte!
So that is it for today guys! I hope you liked my Love List! Let me know in comments do we share the same favourites, or which are your faves! Kisses
To je to za danas! Nadam se da vam se svidela moja Love Lista! Obavezno napišite u komentarima ukoliko delimo iste favortite, ili neki vaš favorit! Kisses!!
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